The Iran-Iraq War

  • Iran-Iraq War, 1980–88, a war fought between Iran and Iraq, contesting a long-disputed border, control of the Shatt al Arab waterway, and petroleum resources.
  • Iraq invaded Iran in 1980 in a surprise attack on three fronts. Iran mobilized a massive response and by early 1982 most Iraqi forces had been driven from the country.
  • Fighting over the next five years was intense. Civilians were targeted by both sides in air and missile attacks and both countries’ capitals were hit.
  • Iraq used chemical weapons on Iranian soldiers and on Iraqi Kurds, whom the Iraqi government suspected of collaborating with the Iranians. In 1987, noncombative ships in the Persian Gulf and oil facilities of neutral countries were attacked by both countries.
  • In 1988, after both sides had been severely weakened by the war, a cease-fire was declared and peace negotiations were begun. A final peace agreement was reached in 1990 but was not signed by either country. Final border demarcation, release of all prisoners of war, and control of the Shatt al Arab had yet to be decided by the end of the 1990’s.

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