History of the Modern Middle East

1. Introduction

2. The Big Crunch and Big Bang Theory of Islamic History

3. Geography and Inequality

4. Inequality vs Difference

5. Land Ownership

6. Gunpowder Empires and the Canonical History of the Middle East

7. The Sword, the Pen and the Turban

8. The Islamic Universe of Social Discourse

9. Secular Nationalism

10. Assessing Change over Time

11. Change and Popular Culture_ the Late 19th Century

12. Iran in the 19th Century

13. Intellectual Trends Under Sultan Abdul Hamid II

14. The Committee for Union and Progress

15. World War I

16. The Time Between Wars

17. Palestine and Zionism

18. The Question of Islamic Authority

19. New Muslim Organizations

20. Cold War

21. Oil and the State

22. The Neomamluck State

23. Iran Under the Shahs

24. The Islamic Republic of Iran

25. A New Era of Violence

26. The End of Middle East History

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